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About Me:
I have a serious fetish for wearing and totally messing up ladies nylon overalls also mad about pies and slapstick mess or possibly just mad.
Not sure which came first the love of slapstick mess or the love of overalls ,both about the same time away back in early childhood and still a huge turn on.
The antisipation of making the pies and gooey liquids before messing up my wonderful pristine overalls is just fantastic.
In everyday life I,m just an ordinary guy but have always had a thing for ladies wearing overalls or uniforms ,such wonderful nostalgic garments, I hope you enjoy my niche indulgence,thank you.
Last Actions
friended 6/17/18
friended 3/5/18
friended 1/17/20
friended 8/23/19
friended 9/28/20
friended 10/19/18
friended 3/9/22
friended 3/13/18
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friended 12/15/21
friended 10/28/20
Profile Wall
custardcorrinne  12/2/19
Just added some messy pics the bucket of slosh was a real turn on.Yet more overalls get on the receiving end.Report
custardcorrinne  10/16/19
just added more messy overall pics.Report
custardcorrinne  9/24/19
be messy,be happy.Report
custardcorrinne  1/21/19
Thanks Sally I love making a mess of a pristine uniform, I love your pics as wellReport
sally  1/21/19
enjoy same games clad in female prestigious uniformReport
Fionainuniform  3/5/18
Fabulous photos, Corrinne. Would love to be there with you!!Report
MessyCleo  1/18/18
Better mad and happy than sane and sad Report
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since 1/16/18
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