UMD Stories

Lady Caroline's Revenge, Part 2 'The Morning After the Night Before'
Story by Caroline Walkerx
Posted 7/8/22     451 views
Part 2 What to do on the morning after the night before!

The following morning some of the party arrived downstairs clearly a bit the worse for wear and looking a bit sheepish. Brian in particular looked more than slightly embarrassed especially when Franklin walked up to him and kissed him roundly on the mouth. "Did that really happen last night, or did I just dream it?" he ruefully asked Caroline. "You know very well what went on." She replied. "It looked as though, once you had got over the initial shock of being plastered with food, that you were having the time of your life. And my sore cunt proves that you gave me a proper 'seeing to'!" Brian leaned over and kissed her. "I know, it was amazing" he confided. "But if this ever got round the office, I'd be done for. No one would ever take me seriously again." Caroline squeezed his hand; "I solemnly promise that what happens at High Down stays at High Down. You have nothing to fear from me. We are quits now and that's an end of it." "Thank you" replied Brian; "Maybe we could do it again sometime!"

After breakfast, Fiona made a suggestion. "The cleaners will be coming in shortly" she announced "and we will only get under their feet if we stay here. I suggest we go out for a picnic..and I know just the spot!" This idea met with general approval, so everyone headed back to their room to get ready. "Wear something pretty but disposable" Fiona whispered in Caroline's ear. "You have a lot to answer for you know. Until you asked me to help you with this revenge scheme I had never even heard of 'sploshing'; now I can't wait to try it again!" "It is a bit addictive, isn't it?" Caroline giggled back.

Back in her room Caroline picked out a skirt and sweater combo. The skirt was full-cut in a cream fabric with a thin grey line running through it. Her top was a grey, off the shoulder, loose-knit sweater with little sequins woven into the thread. It sparked in the sunlight and Caroline was very pleased with the overall effect. She chose to wear stockings again in preference to bare legs or tights. And she found a pair of strappy high-heeled sandals. "Just the outfit for a picnic not!" she giggled to herself.

Some of her friends had clearly got the message because they too arrived downstairs somewhat overdressed for a picnic in the country. "I must say this is all great fun," whispered Susie coming up close to Caroline. "I've never stayed anywhere like this before and if there is ever the chance of helping you out at another similar gig, I want you to know. William, Cindy and I would all be up for it!" "Thank you" replied Caroline, kissing her warmly.

Everyone set too and before long a raid on the kitchen and pantry had produced a quite respectable picnic. The boys loaded everything into the boots of three cars whilst the girls chose several bottles of wine from the cellars. Once preparations were complete, the party squeezed themselves into the three cars. "It really isn't far", announced Fiona. "The spot I have picked is less than a mile from the house, but it is too far to walk with all our picnic things."

Actually the drive to get to the place Fiona had chosen was nearer three miles than one, but this was because the track wound it's way down into a steep sided little valley. When they reached the spot where Fiona indicated they should stop, their eyes were greeted with a gorgeous view. They were parked at the edge of a small clearing in the woods. In front of them the ground fell sharply away into a gorge through which a small river tumbled and fell. From where they were standing they could hear the noise of water rushing over small waterfalls. It was idyllic.

The picnic things were quickly unpacked and the party settled down to a simple but delicious meal. Afterwards they relaxed for a while just enjoying the sun and atmosphere.

Eventually Fiona rose and announced; "OK time to start moving. Let's pack everything away in the cars first, then I have something I want to show you; it is only a short walk." With the picnic things cleared away, they set off, Fiona in the lead. She led them into a wood along a narrow earthen path. The girls soon found that their high heels were sinking into the ground making walking a bit difficult. Good-natured grumbles and insults were soon being bandied about. Fiona ignored all their comments and continued along the path. They were, by now, steadily heading downhill and little streams ran across their path to fall into the larger river below. The ground started getting muddy and quite slippery. Caroline made a moue of disgust as water seeped inexorably into her sandals. "I wonder what Fiona has in mind for us" she thought. "It's bound to be wet and muddy, but I wonder exactly what is she leading us to?"

Somehow or other everyone managed to maintain their balance and avoid falling over whilst walking along the woodland path. They all emerged from the trees a few tens of yards from the river unscathed, apart from soaking wet shoes. Before them the path descended very steeply to the riverbank. To one side a tributary stream had created a mudslide that ran directly down to a swampy area below. It was at this point that Fiona paused.

As everyone was walking single file, it took a while for the group to come together. This gave Caroline, who was walking just behind Fiona, the chance to get a good view of what lay ahead of them. At the bottom of the mudslide, a piece of low-lying ground gave the impression it was permanently flooded. It was a morass, with pools of water alternating with areas of sticky mud. There was no way to descend to the river that way without becoming covered in mud.

The path along which they were walking seemed equally impassable ahead. It was already very slippery and now it fell away steeply to a narrow bit of bank above a deep pool. The chances of getting down the path and safely onto the bank were slim. Any slight acceleration would inevitably end up with the person falling into the river.

Caroline experienced a shiver of excitement. The fact that she now had a choice of how to proceed both of which seemed certain to result in her becoming wet and muddy introduced and element of chance that she found exhilarating. "Well I guessed we were in for a dunking" she thought "but Fiona really has excelled herself."

By now the tail-enders in the group had caught up with the rest and the path above the mudslide was becoming congested. Inevitably someone received an accidental nudge in the back; lost their footing; and fell onto the mudslide. It happened that this person was Abigail! With a sudden shriek, her feet slid from under her and she fell on her bottom as she accelerated down the slide.

Abigail had chosen to wear a bright red sheath dress and matching heels that morning, so she made a spectacular sight as she slid down the bank and into the mud. As she hit the swamp, her feet created a wave that sloshed liquid mud up inside her dress. Her shriek of horror was somewhat modified as the cold mud splashed into her pussy!

The rest of the party let out a whoop of delight at Abigail's predicament. Caroline seized the moment; "Another new experience for you Brian" she laughed, as she gave him a shove towards the edge. Brian was wearing fawn trousers and a candy-stripped shirt. "You don't get me twice!" he shouted as he struggled to regain his balance. But to no avail; his feet slipped and he fell on his tummy, heading feet first down the slide. However, just before he vanished over the edge, he managed to grab Caroline's arm. She too was jerked forward and ended up sliding headfirst into the morass.

Brian ended up muddied from the chest down but with his head and face clear of the slime. Caroline was less fortunate! She went face-long into the mud and arose spluttering, with her face and hair totally ruined. She blew bubbles of mud away in order to be able to open her mouth.

"Well I guess I deserved that" she grinned as Brian reached down to help her stand. There were now three of them standing calf deep in sloppy mud. Others soon joined them. "If my friend Brian is down there, I'm going too!" cried Franklin, and he made a very good attempt to 'ski' down the slope. He managed to stay vertical most of the way to the bottom before toppling and ended up crashing into Brian, sending him back down into the mud.

Susie and Candy wasted no time in holding hands and sliding down on their bottoms together. "I think I'll try the other path" called out William, as he started to negotiate his way down the tricky section. Again he did well until just before the end when, to keep upright, he had to start running. His speed took him over the edge of the bank and into the deep water below. He arose spluttering and let out a whoop of delight. "Come on in, the waters' lovely!" he cried. Several of the remaining guests followed him. One of the girls actually managed to stop on the narrow bank before the river but had hardly raised her hands above her head in a whoop of triumph before the person following her careered into her back, sending them both into the water.

Before long everyone was soaked, and most very muddy as well. Fiona had waited until all her guests were accounted for before choosing to follow Caroline's example and slide headfirst down on her tummy. She ended up surfacing next to Caroline. "I must say this is great fun", she laughed. "I can't think why I haven't tried it before!" "Well it is somewhat heavy on your clothes" Caroline replied. "I don't give a damn about that," announced Fiona defiantly, and she ripped open the front of her sundress sending buttons flying in all directions and revealing her mud-soaked white bra.

The happy party spent about half an hour having a mud fight. Many had their clothes were torn and more than a few sexual gropes were enjoyed. Finally they all staggered ashore. "How the hell are we gong to get back up there?" asked Brian. "It was hard enough standing upright with dry shoes; we won't stand a chance of clambering up the back with everything soaked." "It's OK" Fiona reassured him; "just round the corner there is a ford where a track back to the house crosses the river. I promise you it will be an easy walk back to the house. But before we set off it might be a good idea to try and clean off as much mud as we can." So it was back into the water where everyone tried to clean up as best they could. "I never realised mud could get into so many nooks and crannies" grinned Caroline as she tried to scoop the mud out of her cleavage.

Dripping wet and as clean as was possible to achieve in the river, the party made their way back up to the house, From the happy chatter Caroline knew that the 'wet and messy community' had just gained a few new members!

As they approached the house Fiona stopped everyone and said, thoughtfully; "We can't go in through the front door like this. The cleaners have only just finished clearing up after last night's shenanigans. Come round this way and we can go in via the stable yard."

The stable yard lay to the right of the main block of the house. The caretaker and his wife (Mr and Mrs Angel) lived in a flat above the old carriage hose now the garage. Outside the garage was a hose used for washing down the cars. "OK, hose me off," instructed Fiona. As Franklin played the hose on her, Fiona stripped and twirled under the stream of water until she was free of mud and, of course, stark naked! "There is a pile of old blankets in the garage" she called out. "Can one of you get me one please?" Brian went off in search of one and soon returned successfully. Fiona wrapped herself in the blanket (to the secret disappointment of most of the men in the party and, if truth be told, a few of the women as well!) "You lot start hosing down and I'll go and find some towels" Fiona said, scampering into the house through the scullery door.

By the time she returned holding an armful of towels, the group clean up was well under way with several of the party cavorting naked under the spray of water. Soon, wrapped in soft towels, they were able to make their way back to their rooms for a proper bath or shower. "See you downstairs in about an hour" Fiona announced. "I'm sure we are all ready for tea."

As Caroline relaxed in a hot foamy bath, she reflected on the success of the weekend. She had set out determined to get her own back on Brian for having set her up on two very messy assignments. She had achieved her objective, but in the course of the weekend had discovered Brian wasn't such an unpleasant person as she had supposed. He had taken his humiliation in good part and, once they got used to the idea, both he and the other members of the house party had clearly enjoyed getting dirty and wet. "Maybe I'll set up a few other gatherings" Caroline mused to herself as she lay soaking.

Caroline dressed in a pair of pink, skinny-cut jeans and a purple, off-the-shoulder cotton top. She was relieved to find she had remembered to pack a second pair of high-heeled sandals as the ones she had worn to the picnic were still soaking wet. She went down to tea and was amused to note that Fiona had taken care not to serve anything sloppy or covered with cream. "I really can't ask the cleaners to clear up our mess again so soon" she apologised, "so I am afraid that has to be the end of our fun and games." Cries of "shame'; and 'when can we do it again?" echoed round the room. Fiona grinned; "You will have to ask Caroline that" she said "it was her idea." "I'll come up a scheme soon" Caroline told everyone, "and I promise I'll give all of you first refusal for an invitation". Cries of delight resounded.

Dinner that evening was what would be anticipated for a country weekend. Only this time no one dressed formally for dinner. The men's dinner suits were irretrievably ruined and the girls didn't want to embarrass them by wearing long frocks. So 'dinner' was more a simple supper cooked communally in the kitchen and partaken in the Servant's Hall.

After dinner the party retired to the drawing room where they played cards and chatted. Brian found an opportunity to speak to Caroline privately. "Look, if news of this got around the office I would be a laughing stock and no one in the publishing business would ever take me seriously again." "It's OK" Caroline replied. "My plan for revenge never went so far as to propose making the events of this weekend public." "Thank goodness': Brian heaved a sigh of relief. "I can't deny I have found the experience stimulating," he confessed. "How about you and I getting together for a repeat bout soon?" "Sorry Brian" replied Caroline, "but that just isn't going to happen. An 'office affair' can never be kept secret and, to be honest, much as I enjoyed our fuck last night, you aren't really my type." "Well no hard feelings" Brian grinned ruefully "and you can't blame me for trying". "Not at all" said Caroline, as she leaned across and gave Brian's crutch a squeeze!

The following morning, Sunday, after a late breakfast the party split up and Brian drove Caroline back to London. Before she left, Caroline made a point of thanking Susie, Candy and William. "Thank you so much; your help has been invaluable. I really hope we can work together again." The three 'professional sploshers' said how much they had enjoyed themselves and tried hard to refuse Caroline's proffered payment for 'services rendered'. "We can't take your money when we have had such a great time" Susie protested. But Caroline insisted on paying them. "This is how you earn your living," she said. "And if you don't allow me to pay you now, I won't feel able to call on your services on a future occasion." None of the three wanted to miss out on another weekend such as this had been, so reluctantly accepted Caroline's envelopes of cash. "I've had a fantastic time" Susie whispered in Caroline's ear as they kissed goodbye. "Don't leave it too long before getting back in touch." Caroline promised she would ring in the near future. "Even if we don't get messy, I can't wait to eat out your pussy," she confided. "Oh I'm sure we can think of a way of enjoying both experiences!" Susie said with a grin.

The friends took their farewells. Fiona told Caroline; "Any time you want someone to lend a hand with one of your nefarious schemes, I'll be here!"

Brain dropped Caroline back at her flat and, after reiterating her promise to keep quiet about the events of the weekend, she went upstairs; the first thing she did was to run a bath and to hop into it fully clothed. "This feels good," she thought. "I wonder what scheme I can come up with for getting messed up next time!"
Tagged female
A great follow up story. So well written. It flows, like warm custard.
Put me down for the next party, please.
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