Andrea had been practicing on her horse for a forthcoming competition, wearing a pair of beautiful light grey Horze B-Vertigo jodhpurs. They were extra high waisted and she loved them. They only thing that she could criticise about them is that, having been worn 3 or 4 times, they had never got even slightly muddy.
She had no plans for lunchtime, and this meant that she just enough time to rectify her observed deficiency. So, she chucked a one-piece waterproof suit into the back of the pickup truck, pulled her lace-up Hunter wellies onto her feet, and drove to one of her favourite muddy places.
Getting muddy slowly and deliberately has to be one of life's most underrated pleasures, she thought to herself, as she settled the bum of her jods into 18 inches of sloppy mud. She had a wonderful time getting completely covered in slop. The squelching noises from her boots as she walked back to the pickup were incredible!
Bringing the one-piece waterproof suit had been a wise idea because she'd have trashed the interior of her truck without it. Arriving back at the farm she jammed a hosepipe into a gap in a drystone wall, so that it shot-out a powerful spray of water horizontally. She slowly undressed under her homemade shower, rinsing as much of the mud from her clothing and body as she could, but she was certainly going to need a proper shower in the house before she could be sure that she was mud free!