I知 decently new to the whole scene, but very exited and enthusiastic on trying new things. I am 24 and bi,I love tattoos and piercings my upper back is covered (giant comic book x-men piece and have numerous ones scattered about the rest of my body. I also have 1in plugs in ears, tongue, nose, L eyebrow twice and my penis done. I知 very much into bondage both hard and light but WAM is my first choice unfortunately I haven稚 had a lot of opportunity to experiment with ether. WAM is definitely what I知 into the most and for the longest since solo work is so much fun (easier as it may be, but better with a partner). Almost all forms of getting messy just flat out do it for me, from pies, any form of syrup, mud, slime, pudding and anything else that sounds like fun to have smeared all over your body. Something about the chaoticness of the mess and the overall texture get all your senses going weather sex is involved or not is exhilarating and almost therapeutic. As far as the bondage goes rope play is simply beautiful, and the aspect of being tied up and dominated and with the rush of pain is simply exhilarating. I知 definitely a bottom, going on slave with a strong woman but wanting to try toping with a sub girl (again lack of opportunity and with the hope of some pies). Further more combining the two just adds to one another and is at the top of the fantasy list. For the most part I知 just flat weird a little crazy in my own way and just enjoy just having a good time and have fun. I知 not looking for anything serious but you never know what the universe will throw you so I知 just looking to just have some fun and learn and experience what life has to offer from others that are likeminded. So come talk to me and we will have some fun.