UMD Blogs

Friends Or the story of how a simple question turns into a Splosh session!
By Whitestar
Posted 10/1/18     595 views
Apart from myself, the protagonists in this blog are not are UMD hence the names used.

As readers of my blogs will know on I attended the Moomin's MostWam 20 Years UMD Event on 23 September 2018 and had an excellent time.

One of the things I liked about it was the Gameshow element of chance and as I knew I was meeting up with my friends at fetish venue on the following Saturday (29th Sept) I asked a question in our group chat. That question was:

Would anyone like to play a game?

Followed by an explanation that I had seen quiz show type game play at the event, where I liked the chance element and I wondered if anyone would like to play a game with Fet/BDSM related forfeits when we met on the 29th.

Now our group occasionally like most people does have communication issues, for example, we no longer mention the jacket potato incident of April 2017 (don't ask!), so I was slightly concerned prior to posting how the message would be taken and I had deliberately stayed away from mentioning any kind of mess as a forfeit, as I knew my friends were not into sploshing/messy stuff. They did know however, that I was.

So the conversation goes something like this (paraphrasing):

'Sadist Domme' (the instigator): As long as I can do the forfeits, might regret it, but why not.
Follow up message several seconds later Messy forfeits?

Then we have the Dom that doesn't want to be hit as a forfeit, a couple of people who don't want to get messy and someone asking what the mess is. I hadn't even thought of mess as I was thinking it would be the BDSM related forfeits such as spanking and the like.

I did however, make suggestions that the messy forfeits could range from water being poured from jugs, water pistols to shaving foam through to pies/cakes and even gunge.

Then 'Sadist Domme' piped up and suggested that they just tie me to a tree and let rip with all the above!

I had a feeling that it might not bode well.

I co-host a local BDSM Munch and it was the Wednesday before we were due to meet up and some of the protagonists but not the instigator were present so further discussions were held. Where I explained about games such as using a pack of playing cards for higher or lower or find the ace and how forfeits can occur when you get the higher or lower wrong or find the Ace. I also thought a good game would be 'Buzz Off' that's the game where you move the wand along the wire frame without making the buzzer sound. My thought was that if the buzzer sounded I would get a messy forfeit and the other players who didn't want to get messy would get spanks, electric shocks from an estim or the like as agreed.

The conversation seemed to go well and I ordered some gunge from Messy Supplies and paid a visit to the local supermarket to get eggs, pies, cakes and the like based on the fact that there may be a least one other person who would do the messy forfeits against me.

Saturday comes and I am talking with my friends at the venue explaining the games again for those that weren't at the munch and also suggesting non messy forfeits such as spanking and/or the use of the nerf guns I had brought with me.

After some discussion I was told to go and get set up, on asking what games would be played I was told that they would come back to me in a minute.

After setting up, I came back to be told that out everyone else had said they didn't want to get messy and it was only me that was getting messy. I have a feeling that I was truly set up (back to those pesky communication issues I warned you about) and I wasn't sure what was going to happen especially as they hadn't done anything like this before and I had to explain how a gunge blaster, gunging and pieing someone works. So with two female photographers in attendance photographers and 'Sadist Domme' armed with the gunge blaster and 'Am not into splosh, but I want to do it to you Domme' lets call her 'Reluctant Domme' for the purposes of this blog, with a pie in her hand I find myself standing in a room with my PVC cat suit on feeling very exposed and slightly apprehensive as to what was going to happen.

I had previously explained to the 'Reluctant Domme' a good technique for putting a pie in someone's face and I was checking that she was OK to do this, when she said "Oh Shut Up" and proceeded to put a whipped cream pie that I had made for her to use in my face! The shock was awesome and the feel of the cream and paper plate on my face was brilliant! I could feel the stickiness and gooeyness of the cream sliding over my face, this was a great feeling but it was made even better by the laughter and exhales of breath by the photographers and Dommes as I think they were all quite shocked as to how I reacted to the first pie and for them to see it happen to me in real life. In some respects there is an element of humiliation in taking a pie to the face and they could have laughed 'at me' but the laughter was most definitely not derisory but more of laughing with me and the bizarreness of the situation which made it most enjoyable.

The next stage was for 'Reluctant Domme' to put squirty cream down the inside of my catsuit, which was swiftly followed by a blast of blue gunge from 'Sadist Domme' on the gunge blaster. The feeling of the cream and the shock of the hit was exhilarating. It's a bit of a blur of what order things came in next, as 'Reluctant Domme' and 'Sadist Domme' appeared to find their stride and items came one after another. I know there were pies, blue and pink gunge, custard, cakes, eggs, rice pudding, yogurt and whipped cream as I had bought them all. I was also instructed to get rather imitate with a trifle! I'm so glad that the photographers were there to capture the event. At one point I know 'Reluctant Domme' and 'Sadist Domme' were eating the whipped cream from the squirty can as they said it was a shame to waste it on me. They also said next time they are going to tie me up first, check the food and eat all the good stuff! I don't think they have quite the right idea for sploshing yet.

Needless to say I was completely covered and the others stayed relatively clean (as sploshing wasn't their thing) apart from some collateral damage to 'Reluctant Domme' due to a miss aim (or was it???) by 'Sadist Domme' (I'm sure that's the official line see its those pesky communication issues again!)

I was completely covered and it was wonderful, not only was it a great sploshing session it was made even better by my friends who are not into it, letting me enjoy my fetish with them. So thank you, it's great to have friends like you all. Their comments at the end were 'it was more fun than they thought' and 'they enjoyed it.'

They wouldn't clean up though; as they said as I had made the mess it was my job to do!

I love my friends!
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