UMD Stories

wwyd Roleplay
Story by GungeSlut96x
Posted 7/29/21     1799 views
A fun WWYD themed roleplay I did on Omegle...

Stranger: As I step onto the stage and introduce
myself, welcoming the crowd to the *new* WWYD
You: I applaud, smiling at my friend excitedly
Stranger: (am mean but fair!) "Welcome! We
have a fantastic show tonight! And you know, we
also love lady luck!" | chuckle, scanning the crowd
You: (I enjoy the mean stuff!) I cross my legs
anxiously, smoothing my thin white dress over
my thighs
Stranger: Behind me, the classic pie roulette
game rolls out, as my helpers load in a huge
cream pie. "I need two young ladies who may
know each other"
You: glance nervously at Helen next to me,
avoiding eye contact with y
Stranger: I look, spotting Helen raising her arm
You: I swat her arm, glaring at her
Stranger: I run over, excited as I can be noting
the swat, "hi there!"
You: "Hi" | mumble, shrinking in my seat
Stranger: "Well, what are your names?" As
invite you two to stand up
You: "I'm Helen and this is Kate, my old student"
Helen laughs as she pulls me up
Stranger: "Well, you two look perfect! Let's
head down to the stage - we have three rounds
of a little game!"
Stranger: (What did you two wear?)
You: (I'm wearing a thin, low cut white summer
dress and sandals, Helen's wearing a white
blouse and purple skirt)
You: 1 bite my lip nervously, as Helen chuckles at
my blush
Stranger: We reach the stage, as I introduce our
first game. On the table is a Huge pie and a chin
rest. Next to it is a crank, and there is a seat,
above which hangs a bucket with a cord. "Now,
the rules are quite simple. Our contestant simply
rolls the die, then sits and turns the crank - and
hopes that pie holds...or you may get a creamy
facial!" I joke "any questions?"
You: "Any chance we could just... not get
messy?" I ask you shyly
Stranger: "Hmm, up to you! But since Helen
was your teacher, perhaps she can go first!"
You: I can't help laughing as her face drops and
you pull her up to the table
Stranger: "Lets show your student how to play!"
As I hand her the die.r
Stranger: *Much applause*
You: I clap, smiling at her suddenly anxious
Stranger: She rolls the die, hitting a 3
You: I lean forward, eyebrows raised
Stranger: I ask her to put her head on the rest
and crank three times
You: I join the audience as we start counting the
Stranger: 1..nothing....2...nothing...and then on
3, "splut!" As the pie flings up, splattering her in
the face quite hard
You: I cackle and cheer as she wipes pie from
her eyes
Stranger: Laughter and claps as i shake my
Stranger: "Was that fun to watch?" I ask you
You: "Absolutely! Makes up for the homework
over the years" I laugh
Stranger: 1 help Helen stand, offering her a pie.
"Lets reload and see if your student does any
You: I gulp nervously
Stranger: She reloads the pie, "have a seat my
dear" as I hand you the die
You: 1 take the die and sit down, palms sweating.
I roll the die
Stranger: It hits 3!
You: I put my chin in the rest with a squeal,
cream touching my chin
Stranger: "Oh, little dirty. Don't mind that. Now,
3 good cranks!"
You: Squeezing my eyes shut, I quickly turn the
Stranger: The audience claps along with each
one...1 crank...nothing...bad 2 cranks...nothing! 3
Stranger: The pie holds!
You: "Ha! Woohoo!!" I jump up from the seat
Stranger: "Oh, so much tension!" | tease as
Helen wipes her eyes.
Stranger: "Helen, proud of your student?"
You: "Oh sure. I can't wait to teach her a lesson
though" she flicks pie at me that I dodge
Stranger: As a gift, I hand you a token to the pie
wall, "oh, perhaps that question is in pie" as
invite Helen to sit down and try again
You: I smile as she sits, twirling the token
Stranger: "But you know, this is our last round,
Helen and Kate. We have something hanging
over the seat.
Stranger: "That is our flinch factor...if Helen
flinches, Kate, you will get to pour it onto her.
Sound good?"
You: "Now that sounds amazing!" I laugh as she
buries her face in her hands
Stranger: "I thought so. Helen, roll away!"
Stranger: "Kate, you still seem awful clean" |
tease as Helen tosses a 4.
You: "And I'm staying that way!" I laugh, smiling
at Helen's roll
Stranger: Helen groans as she turns the
crank...the first is easy...on 2, nothing but she
jumps a bit,
Stranger: Laughter as on 3 we hear a splut! She
is wearing that pie on her face again!
You: 1 pump my fist with a grin, cheering
Stranger: "And Helen, you seem to not like the
number 3!"
Stranger: More claps, "now Kate, while Helen
sits up, what do you think? She we have a flinch?"
Stranger: **did we
You: "Oh we definitely had a flinch!" I laugh
Stranger: I laugh, holding my arms on Helen's
shoulders, "in that case, why not take that cord
and let's see what happens next"
You: I take it and tug with a huge grin
Stranger: Helen yelps ave shrugs her shoulders
as a medium amount of crowning glory blap
pours out into her hair and down her face as the
bug bucket tips
Stranger: The audience applauds as she shakes
her head, sticking out her tongue, "what was
That about lessons?' I laugh
You: I'm laughing too much to hear you, loving
the sight on her covered in blap
Stranger: "Kate, was that fun?"
You: "The best!"
Stranger: "And since t
Stranger: You did beat the game, let's let your
teacher get composed and visit our wall of stuff
And prizes!"
Stranger: I take your hand as Helen wipes her
eyes and lead you to a wall of 20 doors
You: "Sounds good!" I say, confident from my
Stranger: "Now, that token is good for 4 tries!"
as we reach the door, "some doors may have a
pie, others a prize, and some may send you or
someone else to a slight messier place!"
You: "Right.... but I probably won't get messy,
Stranger: "I doubt it" I laugh
You: I laugh nervously
Stranger: "Ok, pick a door!"
You: "Um, let's go with 9"
Stranger: "I promise this is all random" as you
walk up
You: I look back suspiciously, before yanking
open the door
Stranger: A show branded water bottle pops out
Stranger: "Hey, a prize!" I laugh
You: I sigh, taking it with a smile
Stranger: "Not bad, right? Try again!"
Stranger: The audience watches eagerly
You: "Okey-doke! Door 1!"
Stranger: "Open it up!"
You: openly it quickly
Stranger: A huge cream pie on a paper plate
flies out, splattering the center of your face
You: I scream in shock, spitting out cream
Stranger: The audience laughs as I hold my
hands up in disbelief
Stranger: "That shouldn't have happened!" |
lie , chuckling
You: I dig cream from my eyes, and wipe as
much as I can from my face pouting "sure"
Stranger: "I promise the next one will be
You: "Better be-number 3" I say, anxiously
opening it
Stranger: I laugh as another pie flies out,
splattering the right side of your face
You: I whine and flick cream at you, sulking
Stranger: "Well, at least it didn't splatter on
your chest
You: "That's true" I say, feeling my creamy hair
with a disgusted moan
Stranger: "You know, one more try"
Strai er: "I know you can win something
You: "15" | sigh, walking down to the door, still
wiping away cream
You: l pull it open with my eyes shut tight
Stranger: A small box is handed to you with a
You: Sighing with relief I open it
Stranger: Inside is a rather revealing set of
lingerie sporting the show's logo in a few spots.
Stranger: "What did you win, Kate?"
You: I go bright red as I hold them up
Stranger: "How, uh, tiny"
Stranger: I laugh, "lets read that card"
You: I bring it over to you, wrapping my arms
over my unbound chest, suddenly feeling
Stranger: Card: "Before you can try on our new
line of wwyd lingerie, please sit in our pie pod
right away"
Stranger: I smirk A bit as I read the card to you
You: My mouth drops open, shaking my head
Stranger: "You can leave this box with me...and
lets head over, Kate" as I wipe some pie from
your forehead
Stranger: The audience is amused and clapping
You: I cringe as you lead me over, embarrassed
by the audience's enjoyment
Stranger: We reach the contraption, loaded with
4 pies, "ok Kate, hop in"
Stranger: As you get comfy...I invite Helen to
walk over
You: My short dress rides up as I sit down, and
my heart sinks as I see Helen smirk at me
Stranger: 1 pump you up, "ok Kate, we have 4
pies!" as you give the crowd a leg show
Stranger: "How do you feel?"
You: "Terrified!" | squeal
Stranger: "Kate, did you happen to notice the
crowning glory above?"
You: "I did" I say quietly. I look down at my
dress- the blap will undoubtedly reveal my
braless chest if it hits my thin dress
Stranger: "Helen, why not take the cord...and
after those 4 pies, lets see what happens when
you tug it...perhaps a lesson with some pie filling
Stranger: Helen, slimed, nods bad laughs,
taking her spot. "Ok, lets count this down!"
You: I grip my seat, stamping my feet
Stranger: 3!
Stranger: 2!
You: "No!!"
Stranger: 1! And with that, a pie flings and
splatters the left side of your face
You: I scream as it hits me
Stranger: Cream drips down as the plate slides
off...just as another pie slams your screaming
You: 1 spit out cream, humiliated
Stranger: Pie 3 slams your dress and chest,
making it dag
Stranger: **sag
You: Eyes wide with shock, I clutch my chest
Stranger: The last pie slams the right side of
your face
You: I squeal, fighting the urge to let go of my
dress and wipe my eyes
Stranger: 1 laugh, "4 nice pies for Kate!"
Stranger: "Helen, finish her off with number 5!"
As she tugs and the seat vibrates slightly
You: The shock of the vibration makes me forget
my situation and let go of my dress with a squeak
Stranger: Down comes the pie filling blap all at
once, doming your head in a gooey explosion of
Stranger: It flows down over your face and
chest, pulling down your dress and pooling on
your lap and exposed thighs
You: I scream, shoulders hunched as the thick
goo rolls over my hair and exposed skin
Stranger: Globs keep dripping down as the
Helen, audience, and I clap and Pugh
Stranger: Laugh
Stranger: "Oh no! A happy accident! Kate,
would you like to see the replay?"
You: I wipe my eyes and squirm on my seat,
exposed and humiliated "fine..."
Stranger: 1 tease, "better you than me" as your
pies and the dump replay in slow motion, for all
to be amused by
Stranger: "I think we need a quick break before
round 2 to let kate pull herself together" as pie
and blap drip off your exposed chest
You: My face burns as I watch, wiping the gunge
from my stiff nipples
Stranger: I think this may help as i hold the box
you won with your tiny new outfit
You: I moan remembering the lingerie, cringing
at the men whistling at my tits
Stranger: As you try to stand, our pod is
reloaded and you have a chance to change just
off stage as I toss you a towel.
Stranger: A new game with a booth rolls out as
a tarp covers a surprise ending on the far end of
the stage
You: The second I stand, the dress slides down
in a heap at my ankles, leaving me on stage
wearing only blap and a thong
Stranger: More laugher "uh oh! Another happy
accident!" As I take your hand
You: Face burning, I take your hand as Helen
laughs and gives me a swift spank
Stranger: I Chuckle, "behave Helen!" I laugh,
before slapping your rear with a pie as you slip
off stage for a few minutes
You: 1 squeal, clutching my messy ass as I run
off stage
Stranger: In a few minutes we return, a gunge
tank like game in center stage
Stranger: (This will be quick, then wall, then a
You: (Can't wait!)
Stranger: (Who knows what will happen!)
Stranger: As Helen stands by the device, "Kate,
join us please!"
You: I walk up, feeling vulnerable and exposed
Stranger: "Wow, quite the outfit, Kate. How do
you feel?"
You: "Chilly" I say sarcastically
Stranger: "Why not give us a twirl?"
You: Burying my face in my hands, I spin slowly
Stranger: The g-string bottom and stockings
font leave much to the imagination, with the top
barely holding on
You: "You know, books this big were not made
for tops like this!"
Stranger: "Aww, I think it'll be a hit in our shop!
And you know what rhymes with shop? Drop.
And there us some blap in our game that may do
You: *boobs
Stranger: "Kate, can you step over with Helen.
Our game is a little number we call Pie in the Sky.
As you can see, our booth has three levers....and
three huge bowls...and the top is loaded with
blap, just as your bra is loaded with your chest,
ready to burst!"
Stranger: "Helen, you can stand at the
levers... Kate, step inside!"
You: I go a furious red, wrapping my arms over
my chest, turning to walk to the booth
Stranger: "You look tired and flushed for
a stool?"
You: "Sure" I say suspiciously
Stranger: As a stool moves in for you to sit, set
such that whatever may happen is a perfect hit
"I'm going to ask a series if you
miss, Helen will hit a lever...ave after 3 misses,
any idea what happens?"
You: "I'm assuming it'll be messy..."
Stranger: "Very good...we will see if that outfit
is washable...but if you can escape clean, all of
that blap will go onto Helen!"
You: 1 perk up, "now that I like the sound of.
Though why am I the only one in underwear for
Stranger: I laugh, "because you won it!"
You: "Still doesn't seem fair I'm the only one
with my tits out!"
Stranger: "But fair is fair..Helen, perhaps you
can strip down a but first just to keep your outfit
from getting messier!"
You: I whoop and pump my fist as she blushes
Stranger: I laugh as she strips off her top and
skirt quite close to the booth, nearly hitting a
You: I gasp as she nearly hits it
Stranger: Applause as she stands in a matching
teal bra and cheeky panties. "Kate, I'm happier
now, are you?"
You: "Absolutely- cute butt hel!"
Stranger: She roll a her eyes. "Kate, what was
your worst subject?"
You: "Umm, maths or science I guess"
Stranger: "In that case, any idea what the root
of 36 is?"
You: "Ummm-6?"
Stranger: "Very good! But as Helen can tell you,
plus or minus six is actually correct!"
You: My eyes are still squeezed shut expecting
the worst
Stranger: "And let's count lever 1" as Helen
smirks as she pushes it down
Stranger: A camera zooms in as a nasduce
amount of blap pours into the second bowl...
Stranger: **massive
You: I put my hands over my head, biting my lip
Stranger: "Kate, two more misses and you are
Gunked" as you sit, your thighs and stockings
giving a nice show
You: Cringing, I rub my hands over my thighs
Stranger: "Ok, when you are ready, what is the
cosine of 2 Pi?"
You: "What?!! How should I know? 9?"
Stranger: "You would think it is two like the
lever, but actually it is one!"
You: "No!!"
Stranger: "And Helen, when you are ready, hit
number 2!"
You: I look up, anxious
Stranger: Helen smirks as it goes down...
Stranger: ....the Blap begins filling the last huge
bowl, but by surprise , begins drizzling onto your
You: I scream in shock, totally surprised
Stranger: Suddenly, it becomes a huge orange
shower which begins pouring all over you,
pooling on your thighs, thickly costing your hair,
and covering your chest and tiny top
Stranger: "Oh no!" As I shake my head
Stranger: Helen can't help but laugh as the blap
continues pouring over you
You: 1 stamp my feet, boobs jiggling in the tiny
top. I moan as the cold goop runs over my nearly
naked body, cringing
Stranger: "Kate, that wasn't supposed to
You: "Sure" I say, flicking my arms yo try and
get rid of the blap
Stranger: When that glop finishes dripping,
Perhaps the least we could do is let you have a
short three at recall, since in round 2, the prizes
are better" as more blap drips and drops
Stranger: it looks like Helen's skirt might be
hanging on lever 3, but we'll never know
Stranger: (Wall with a few pies, and the finale!)
You: (Perfect!)
Stranger: (Fun?)
You: (Feel free to add some more adult forfeits.
And lots!)
Stranger: (Ok)
Stranger: I offer you a hand to get off the stool
You: I take it, slipping all over the slimy booth
Stranger: I laugh a bit, helping you walk over to
our wall, "I bet you will get something great"
You: "I'm hoping for some revenge on madam
over rhere- she definitely did that!"
Stranger: I laugh a bit as we reach the doors,
"are you upset you got a bit messy?"
You: "Yeah! I'm so sticky- I need a shower now!"
Stranger: "Well, orange is your color, now, what
door looks good?"
You: "6" I say, scraping gunge off me and
carefully walking to the door
Stranger: As you open it up, a card pops out,
"today is a special day - face the audience and
toss that bra away"
You: "Seriously?!!"
Stranger: "We made Helen strip" I laugh
You: "After I was already stripped! Ugh, this is so
Stranger: "Well, let's see if those girls are as
orange as the rest of you!"
You: Turning to face the audience, I undo my 38f
bra and take it off, flinging it at you, spreading
my arms wide in defeat
Stranger: The audience applauds, "was that so
bad? I think our crowd is happy.
Stranger: "Now. Two more shots, I bet there
won't be a single pie in there!"
You: "This is the second time I've had my tits out
on here. Plus my ex is in the audience getting a
free show he doesn't deserve!"
Stranger: I laugh, "you can give him a wave if
you like"
You: I wave at Aaron, before sticking up my
middle finger
Stranger: Helen walks over to me, "thank you
for hanging up my skirt my skirt on that hook"
Stranger: Aaron loudly laughs in return to your
gesture , "keep it classy, Kate!", an ironic
statement as you are both Gunged and topless
You: "Wait, you got me gunged?!" | storm up to
you, squeezing gunge from my hair and flicking it
at you. "Screw you Aaron" I snap
Stranger: "Ok Kate, two more doors!" I laugh
Stranger: I dodge your minor assault
Stranger: "Hey. I'm innocent" as I hold up my
You: "Fine- 13!" | sigh, stomping down to the
door. 'Sure you are!"
Stranger: A card pops out, "this is easy, and not
a chore, but turn around and face your rear to
this door"
You: I turn around with a resigned sigh
Stranger: As you do, there is just two,loud slaps
as a pair of pies splatter your ass and are rubbed
in, cream dripping down your thighs and
You: I squeal, turning so the audience sees my
pied ass
Stranger: "Kate, did something happen?"
You: "I think it's fairly obvious what happened!"
Stranger: "You really invite bad luck...first
blapped early...then pies finding your rear!"
Stranger: "Ok, one more door before we wrap
things up and talk laundry!"
You: "Gettiing clean up? Great! Door 8" I run up
to the door excitedly
Stranger: "Open it up!"
You: 1 yank it open with a grin
Stranger: A card pops out, "what a special day,
sit in the bonus buckets to finish your wall stay"
as a lawn chair with four buckets hanging over
the seat is pushed out
Stranger: Two cords dangle
You: My face drops, cringing
Stranger: "Kate, this is a special
bucket has confetti and a coupon in an envelope"
You: "And the other?"
Stranger: The other three are far more colorful
You: "Just what I was hoping for" | say
Stranger: "Now, confetti will give you three
prizes-Helen will get to sit here and tug the
other cord, you will finally get a chance to be
clean, and you will get a slice of payback by send
ing your charming host to the pod"
Stranger: A large object under a tarp rolls to the
center of the stage
You: I fold my arms under my chest, intruiged
Stranger: "Now Kate, care to give it a shot?"
You: "Sure thing" I smirk
Stranger: I ease you into the lawn chair, two
cords at the ready
You: I flick more gunge at you, cocky
Stranger: "Think your luck will change?"
You: "Hell yeah- I'm going trash your ass"
Stranger: I laugh, "Ok then tug your cord!"
You: I smugly lift my head, tug it and spread my
arms waiting for confetti to rain down
Stranger: As you tug, the cord is heAvy...and an
envelope bops your face as a rain of confetti
does indeed cover you, sticking to the blap
You: 1 jump dancing on the spot jumping up
and down
Stranger: I roll my eyes, "Helen, have a seat"
Stranger: As you pop up, Helen plops down, teal
lingerie very clean
You: As she does, I sneakily undo her bra,
hoping to even things out
Stranger: She squeals as it falls into her lap
Stranger: 1 hand her the other cords, "ok Helen,
lets see how you so!" | tease
Stranger: **do
Stranger: "Give it a good tug"
You: I chuckle at her, whistling "not the first time
she's heard that!"
Stranger: She squints her eyes as she pulls
Stranger: Extremely thick white, light blue, and
yellow blap slowly pour all over her, completely
coating her head and dripping off her breasts,
pooling in her lap
Stranger: There is much clapping, "hmm, not
orange pink"
You: "Yessss!" | cheer, a little aroused by the
gunge dripping from her stiff nipples
Stranger: "Helen, you earned it" I laugh
Stranger: "Now, I guess we have some
business" as Helen drips
You: As she stands up, I squeeze her slimy bum
before turning to you
Stranger: "Kate, I thought it was a hook"
You: "I have no idea what you mean!"
Stranger: I nervously smile
You: "Remind me audience, who's going in the
Stranger: They clap "host!"
You: "I feel like we can make things more
interesting. Wanna make a deal?"
Stranger: "Oh?"
You: "Well me and Helen have received our
messing in just our underwear...."
Stranger: "And?"
You: "And you can either stay clothed and go in
the pod alone"
Stranger: "Or?"
You: "Or you can strip to your underwear and
pick one of us- or the lovely Aaron- to join you in
Stranger: "Hmm, with a heavy heart, I think I'll
take it alone"
You: "Well then, lap dance sacrificed. It's a
shame, Aaron's are great" I laugh
Stranger: "Yeah, that's ok" I laugh
Stranger: "And besides, you may need your
energy" I laugh
You: "I don't think I will" I laugh, sitting you in the
Stranger: "You know. You can only use one Pie"
Stranger: Behind you, two stagehands in bikinis
hang around the tarp
You: "Sure" | say, loading the pie and staring you
Stranger: I cringe, but laugh finally. "Do your
You: "Oh I intend to" suddenly triggering the
pod, taking you by surprise
Stranger: I feel the seat vibrate as the pies lob
You: Helen and I howl as the first smacks in your
Stranger: I cringe as cream splatters
You: Another splatters your chest as we laugh
Stranger: I shake my head dripping cream
You: The next hits the side of your face and
slowly runs down you
Stranger: I feel the cool cream, trying to wipe
my eyes
Stranger: The pie plate slowly slips and drops off
You: We laugh as the last hits you square in the
face, splattering your hair
Stranger: Everything goes briefly white as peel
the plate off
You: "How was that?"
Stranger: "Uh, creamy?"
You: "Seeing as you did so well- a treat. Two
people are getting a crowning glory. You can get
your gooey lap dance, put me and Helen in for it,
or bring up Aaron to get a blapping with
You: "Up to you who"
Stranger: "Hmm, I think ill pick Helen and you"
You: "Shocking" | chuckle as I grab her hand.
Before you can move, we jump in, one on each
knee as an assistant triggers the blap onto the
three of us as you protest
Stranger: I laugh, trying to pull you two into the
mess as much as I can
You: There are lots of wandering hands on slimy
bodies as you pull us in
Stranger: Copping a few feels in the glop, the
blsp splatters everywhere as I spank your rear a
bit and grope Helen
You: I'm shocked when someone pulls open my
knickers, filling them with gunge, making me
moan as you simultaneously spank me
Stranger: I laugh, impossible to tell if it was me
or Helen
Stranger: Gunge overflows out if your tiny
You: I love the feeling of my overflowing panties.
Playing up for the audience, I cup Helen's boob
under the stream of gunge and kiss her
Stranger: She pulls you in for a messy kiss
under the dripping slime
You: We kiss deeply, covered in slime as your
hands wander
Stranger: I begin feeling up your huge messy
You: I moan into the kiss as you circle my stiff
Stranger: I lean in and begin licking off some of
the pie
You: I sigh with satisfaction as the slime slows
Stranger: I continue licking off the mess as
Helen begins licking your other breast
You: We're all enjoying ourselves as the
stagehand opens the tank, trying to get us to
stop as I massage the gunge over you and Helen
Stranger: She stomps her foot, pointing to the
center of the stage
You: We break apart, blushing and laughing
Stranger: "Kate. You are just dirty! And I think
you have just the thing!"
Stranger: I pick up the envelope you won,
opening it up and handing it to you
You: I open it with a cheeky grin and wink
Stranger: As it is torn open, the tarp is yanked
away and a coupon inside reads, "one free car
You: "Ummm, what?" I say nervous again
Stranger: On stage is a massive car wash like
Gunge tank that may have strained our show's
Stranger: "Kate, since you are such a mess,
perhaps the least we can do is clean you off!"
You: My mouth hangs open, completely
Stranger: "I mean, you are a mess" I laugh,
helping you stand
You: "All that gunge, just for little old me" |
chuckle nervously
Stranger: "Yes. And just to make sure we get
you squeaky clean, toss those panties before
having a seat in the little chair that will pull you
You: Blushing furiously, I bend over and pull
down the gungey knickers, throwing them in your
You: I try and hide my smooth pussy behind my
hand as I take a seat, feeling the audiences eyes
on me
Stranger: I laugh, "comfy?"
Stranger: I toss the gungey thong into the crowd
You: "Not even remotely" | cringe even more
when I see that it was Aaron who caught my
thong as he taunts me with it
Stranger: "Now Kate. I think you will get a good
cleaning...I hope...because you need it"
Stranger: "Hang on!" As I go to a wheel that will
send you through
You: "Oh god!" I scream, face burning
Stranger: I turn the wheel...slowly...the brushes
spin....and you are going in!
You: "Please, no! I'm so ticklish!"
Stranger: Inches before the brushes, foam
sprays your body, dtickings and thighs, and face,
adding to the goo coating you already
You: 1 stamp my feet and moan, mouth clamped
You: I shudder as the goo coats my naked
sensitive skin
Stranger: The brushes spread the foam around
as you pass through, tickling you all over
You: I scream and squirm, desperately trying to
escape the brushes, goosebumps breaking out
all over my body
Stranger: As you energe, very foamy, the seat
pauses for a moment as a large dump of thick
light blue and white gunge splatters all over you
Stranger: The audience and Helen clap as the
first thibk Gunge coats you head to lap
You: I let out a high pitched squeal as the thick
gunge lands between my slightly spread legs,
Stranger: The gunge pools on the seat and on
your lap
Stranger: Soon the seat begins inching forward
again, as more foam sprays you all over ,
notably covering your face and chest
You: My nipples stiffen more in the cold foam,
my whole body oversensitive to the goo between
my legs and the foam covering my tits and face
Stranger: Soon you see the end, as the chair
comes to a stop
You: I breathe a sigh of relief
Stranger: Just as a deluge of light green , light
yellow, opaque white, and pink gunge - as thick
as anything - pours over you in four very thick
Stranger: The gunge completely covers you like
a gooey rainbow as it continues to pour over you
You: I scream, the gunge covering my face just
as I looked up. The deluge is so strong that I feel
the stockings slide down to my ankles, feet
stomping again
Stranger: The audience laughs and claps
Stranger: As the gunge continues to pour.
"Feeling cleaner?"
You: I moan and shake my head furiously, hands
gripping my seat
Stranger: As the credits begin to play, the
cameras stay focused on your shaking head as
thin streams of gunge continue to pour
Stranger: "Well, what a mess....But I think Kate
will go home cleaner!" As I wave
You: My gungey face burns as I bury my face in
my hands again, cringing
Stranger: Helen, still covered in slop, claps as
do our stage hands and crowd
Stranger: The gunge hitting you slows to drips
and drops
You: Each drip of gunge makes me shudder as
think of the humiliation of the night, from the
audience to my ex, who got to see my humiliated
and go home with my thong
Stranger: I invite Helen over, who tugs a cord,
releasing a dump,of purple gunge over you for
good measure to end our show
You: "Oh come on!!"
Stranger: Helen just laugh a
Stranger: at you
You: 1 scoop gunge from between my legs and
fling it at the two of you, focusing on helen
Stranger: She dodges, bare breasts hanging out
Stranger: "Hmm, Kate, it didn't work - you still
look messy"
You: "I wonder why?" | say sarcastically, moving
to stand up
Stranger: Slop and gunge just slides off
Stranger: "Hmm, I'd say because we needed to
dump more slime"
You: "Eughhh!" | say the gunge runs down my
body, now trickling over my previously protected
Stranger: I can't help but to just shake my head
You: Modesty abandoned, I bend over with my
gooey bum facing the audience to pull off the
stockings as I walk over to you and Helen,
squeezing the gunge from them over your heads
Stranger: Helen and I both pick up pies,
returning the favor by sandwiching your head
between then
You: I moan, but decide there's one person who
deserves a punishment more than you two- I pull
Aaron up to the stage and sit on his lap to test
my suspicion- I soon feel the evidence of how
much he has enjoyed my humiliation. Nodding at
Helen, I quickly stand him up and pull his pants
down, revealling his excitement to the audience
as he blushes. "Permission to give it to him,
Stranger: "We don't let this happen too often,
but permission granted"
You: Grinning, Helen and I unleash a barrage of
pies and gunge on him, making sure he was as
coated as me. I suddenly feel a stage hand tap
my shoulder, holding up my gooey thong.
Laughing, I force him to put the thong on before
spanking him with a pie
You: "How'd I do?" I laugh, skidding around in
the gunge
Stranger: "I think you had too much fun" | quip,
chuckling, "but I suppose you earned it"
You: "Why thank you sir" | chuckle, coming up to
hug you
Stranger: I realize how much of a mess you are,
but relent giving the slop I'm wearing from earlier
You: Laughing, I press a wet kiss to your cheek
as I press my gooey naked body against you
Stranger: I give your rear a nice, gooey grope
You: 1 inadvertently moan, blushing fiercly
Stranger: I Chuckle as your face turns the same
color as a tomato under the under the Gunge still
dripping off
You: Swatting your bum, I turn and hug Helen
tightly, enjoying feeling her gooey breasts
against mine
Stranger: As you two squeeze together, I slowly
pour a bucket of yellow gubge over both of you
You: Not hiding my enjoyment of the gunge
anymore, I moan and pull open the front of
Helen's panties
Stranger: I let quite a bit pour in, filling them as
Helen squeals
You: I enjoy her shock, but cut her off with a
deep kiss, as I massage the gunge into her
knickers and squeezing her bum
Stranger: I swear cream pies all over both of
your rears as you two kiss
You: I moan into the kiss and push out my bare
Stranger: I mush the pie all over you rear,
smacking you with the creamy plate
You: We both giggle at this before I yank down
Helen's panties
Stranger: She squeals again, as the gunge
panties fall to the floor
You: Taking a pie from you, I slap it against her
crotch, rubbing the cream in as she squeals in
front of the laughing audience
Stranger: She jumps, the cold pie taking her by
Stranger: She returns the favor, slamming a pie
into your crotch
You: Moaning, I thrust against the pie, loving the
humiliating sensation. I turn and kiss you, before
slamming a pie in your face with a wicked laugh
Stranger: I'm taken by surprise, jumping as the
pie creams me
You: I love your surprise, taking great joy in
slowly rubbing the cream into your hair like
Stranger: I grab some cream off my face,
smearing it on your breasts
You: I cackle, the cold cream tickling me as I
enjoy your hands on my breasts
Tagged male+female
Oh my god, I'm so hot after reading that!!
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