UMD Stories

Luke and Chris, part 5: Bad boys in the locker room
Story by naughtyboy1988x
Posted 4/25/20     1187 views
Hi everyone,

First of all, thank you all for your kind words and encouragement to keep on writing. I have been a little busy the last few weeks... but I'm back now, with another part of the Luke and Chris stories.
Likes, suggestions, feedback? Feel free to contact me.
Enjoy reading!

Luke and Chris, part 5: Bad boys in the locker room

The match played out pretty good, a 3-1 win against one of their direct opponents for the nr. 1 spot in the rankings. The boys chearfully went back into the locker room, wanting to get out of their sweaty and muddy soccer gear.

All the guys on the soccer team are between 17 and 19 years of age. And like most good looking, athletic guys, they dress accordingly. So, upon opening their sports bags, lots of nice brand gear comes out. In order to make space in their bags for dirty soccer gear, their 'normal' clothes were hanged on the hooks on the wall.
Luke whispered to Chris: 'let's be slow and hesitant during changing perhaps we can have some fun while the boys are in the shower' Chris loved that idea, and really appreciated the attitude shift on his friend. Before a nice, pretty guy who played by the rules, now on it's way to becoming a bad boy.
And so it happened the boys all went into the shower, only Chris and Luke were left in the changing area. Chris looked around the room and spotted Davin's white gear. 'Let's teach him a lesson' Chris whispered 'wearing white clothes in front of us he'll regret that'
He grabbed the white BALR hoodie from it's hook, and stuffed it all the way down Davin's own sports bag. All the dirty soccer gear would make sure the pristine white hoodie would have stains on it for sure and to add to the fun, Chris wiped the hoodie along Davin's soccer boots a few times. 'That's a shame of an expensive hoodie ow well' Chris thought. Meanwhile, he tried to contain his dick from getting rock hard, they still had to shower after all.

Luke watched the whole thing, and equally struggled to keep his cock under control. Encouraged by Chris, Luke grabbed the wheat Timberland boots of another of their teammates, Justin. He walked out of the locker room, boots in hand, and dropped them in the first mud puddle he came across. He knew Justin only bought these 2 weeks back, and was really proud of his expensive suede boots but Luke's dick was stronger then his mind at the moment. He even stepped on them with his muddy Nike Mercurial soccer boots, to make sure some stains would be on them and then he rushed back into the changing room, leaving the boots in the mud puddle.

The boys quickly undressed, and joined their teammates in the shower. They were chatting away, and one by one the boys left the shower area to get dressed, they were in the mood for a victory beer. As Chris and Luke were the only ones left in the shower, Luke got under the shower head next to Chris', and grabbed his friends penis. That stiffened immediately, and Luke started to gently wank. Chris obviously liked it, even more so when Luke started whispering in his ear :
'you like this, huh? Dirty boy let's see what happens when Davin and Justin find out what happened to their expensive gear, which is now all muddy. Will they hate it? Or love it, and make it even worse?' Upon that amazing thought, together with the feeling of the firm grip on his cock, Chris jizzed. A few strings of white semen ended up on the wall of the shower room.
At that moment, he heard Davin yelling: 'What the Fuck?!'
The boys stepped out of the shower, acting like they've no idea what going on.
D: 'Ok guys, who's done this? I got this hoodie for my birthday, and it's white don't know if it'll ever clean up again.'
L: 'I saw Chris do it'
He was sure Davin wanted revenge and he'd bet Chris would love set revenge.
Chris saw no way out, and opened up 'Yep, I did it. Just thought it would be funny'
D: 'Well, it's not. If it doesn't clean up, it's 250 euro ruined'
Justin: 'Ow well, why should you care? You've got plenty of gear, right? I think it's a good prank, haha'
The guys let it rest for now, but in the back of his mind, Davin was already planning his revenge.

Meanwhile, everybody was getting dressed and Justin noticed his shoes were missing. 'Guys, has any of you seen my boots?'
'Not in here, no but maybe check outside' Luke obted. As Justin left the locker room, Luke tagged along. He wanted to see his teammates reaction when he saw the dirty Timberlands in the mud puddle. Once outside, it didn't take long before Justin spotted his boots, laying in the mud, with a footprint on it. Justin gasped, and Luke could see the surprise from his face but judging by his face, another emotion was creeping up as well. Was it shock, sadness, shame? 'Maybe I have go too far with this' Luke thought but then, he saw Justin's hand going down, while he started to rub the crouch of his tight Nudie jeans. Justin seemed to be in his own world, forgetting everybody around him. He took the boots from the puddle, and put them on his feet. He wasn't pleased with the fact they were dirty, and surely his mum wouldn't be but looking at the sexy Timberlands made his dick stand on end.
'Ahum' Luke coughed 'What are you doing mate?'
Justin came to his senses, and his face turned all red
J: 'Eh, I, well, I, eh'
L: 'No need to an explanation, we all have our own preferences'
J: 'Eh, ok. Wow, thanks for understanding'
L: 'I might understand you better then you think'
Luke winked, and walked back to the locker room. Followed by Justin.

J: 'Some dickhead thought it was funny to ruin my boots' Justin said.
The boys in the locker room laughed.
D: 'Ha, serves you right. You found it nice how Chris ruined my hoodie this is karma, my friend'
J: 'Well, regardless, if I find out who did this, I will wreck something of his' Justin grumpled. But in the back of his mind, he already knew who did this

As the boys were all dressed, they headed over to the canteen. The '3rd half' of the game was traditionally the favorite bit for this team drinking beer, having snacks, chatting away with other members of the club and as the hours passed by, the level of intoxication rose.
Luke wore his white Levi's polo, mud splashed Scotch&Soda Jeans and his dirty red and black Nike AM 2017. He did get some questions about why he was dirty, and made up some dumb story about stumbling into some mud after retreiving a soccer ball which he kicked behind the building, into the bushes. Chris used that same excuse to vouch for the fact his G-star jeans and Alexander McQueen sneakers got dirty luckily his grey Tommy hoodie was still clean.
And, with Davin in his muddy BALR hoodie and Justin in his dirty Timberlands, the boys has a nice sight while drinking the night away.
But as it was getting late, one by one the boys started to head home. As the canteen manager wanted to head home as well, the last boys had to get out too. It was just Luke, Chris and Justin left. All a little bit wobbly from the beer, and halfway drunk.

C: Ok, what now? I guess we won't get into any bar now, looking like this'
L: Ow well, then we can go to my place as well. If we keep quiet, my parents won't mind. Justin, you're coming too?
J: Well, I'd love too, but I think I have enough trouble getting home like this.
Seems like their teammate had one beer too many.
L: I can understand dude. And you still have to think of an excuse why your Timberlands has some stains on them. Luke winked
J: Ow yeah, that's right but tell me honestly Luke, did you do that?
L: Yep, I did. And secretly, it looks like you don't have a problem with it
J: Well, it's a waste of my nice boots don't know how the suede will clean up. But like you witnessed this afternoon, it did feel nice being naughty
Chris was shocked he had no clue up till now.
L: Ow yeah, Chris, I forgot to mention seems like Justin shares our hobby as well.
C: Is that so? I don't know, have never seen him get dirty before.
J: Well, I can prove it to you you know the construction site down the road? Let's go there. It's abondoned at this hour anyways.
Tagged male
Great setup for the next installment. Can't wait to read it.
Awesome! Can't wait for the next part! Hope it will be dirty!!!! And a bit longer tbh
I can't wait to see what Justin has planned for that construction site!
I hope the guys well have a very enjoyable trashing of the clothes very soon!
Great, Go on...
Great, Go on...
Great cliff hanger
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