UMD Stories

Afternoon Sauna
Story by MrWetShirt
Posted 1/18/16     679 views
The next few weeks were the happiest Fiona could remember in her life. She became an item together with Tony, and the more they saw of each other the more suited to each other they seemed to be. She looked forward every day to her lunch hour, when they met for half an hour in the park to share an ice cream and a sausage roll. After work, she walked across to the Lido and they met up again. Fiona got to know all the staff who worked there, they were all very down to earth people and friendly towards her. Tony worked until half past seven two nights a week, and on Wednesdays he had lifeguard training. When Tony worked late, she sat in the office and started to help out with odd jobs around the place. Fiona invited Tony to her bedsit, and over their first weekend as boyfriend and girlfriend they spent nearly all the time together. They started to become familiar with the physical side of love and Fiona began to relax a little and began to look forward to Tony's advances. Tony gave her a present of a boxed set of red underwear, Fiona had never worn anything so sexy.

Everyone in the office where she worked soon heard about Tony, and most of her colleagues were delighted for her, as they had never seen Fiona seem so happy. They teased her when every bit of her conversation was about Tony this or Tony that. She blushed when one of her older lady colleagues said something about her set to enjoy her first proper kiss, and she never heard some of the cruder males in the place wonder amonst themselves when she was going to have her first sexual experience. Except that they did not put it in anything like as polite terms. But then they did not behave like gentlemen, as Tony was a gentleman to Fiona. They would never share the love of a lady so rewarding to know as Fiona, and they would never understand the attraction Tony felt when he saw her that Sunday, splashing water all over herself by the pool.

On Friday Fiona's boss agreed to let her finish work early, as she had a credit of some hours in the time bank, and the phones and reception were quiet. Tony finished work at 2 pm. They thought about swimming together again, but it was colder that day and blustery, so they decided to do something else. Tony was a member of the tennis club, so they both agreed to go along to the indoor courts and then go onto get something to eat. Fiona had not played sports since school, but she still had her old school gym clothes and sports kit, so she went home first to try something on. She had not really changed shape over the past couple of years, and she was delighted to find that her old gym skirt fitted her fine! She had hardly worn it at all at school, and she had not had it on since she left, but she clipped it together at the waist and it did not feel at all tight. It was light blue, it was a plain skirt without pleats and the sides overlapped at the left where they fastened. It was almost knee length. She put on her new underwear and her favourite white t shirt! Then she packed her jeans and a top in her gym bag and met Tony outside. She had a treat for him, she thought, if he liked her gym skirt as much as he liked to see her in shorts!
They enjoyed their game of tennis, although neither of them was much good at playing. The courts were quiet, with just a few older players around, who seemed to spend more time chatting together than playing. Tony liked her outfit, they lingered together between rallies and whenever the balls needed retrieving they went together and brushed up close to each other. Fiona's t shirt was ever so slightly see through, her red bra was more visible than a white one, although you would have had to look twice to see anything at all. She gave Tony a glimpse of bright red knickers more than once, when she jumped up to reach a shot, or when she bent down to pick up the ball. He thought she looked great. Tony had brought his water bottle with him, and he took frequent sips. He offered it to Fiona, but she declined to have a drink. He wanted to squirt some down her top, but he resisted this temptation, because this would make the court wet and slippery, and that would not have a good idea at all.

After they had finished they went off the court and back to the shower and changing areas. Next to these was a sauna and steam room. Fiona had never been to a sauna before, and in fact she did not know what a sauna was. Tony explained to her what a sauna cabin was, and that it was a nice place to relax. When you got too warm, it was good to have a cool, or even a cold shower. The steam room was similar, except that this offered a wet and sweaty heat. On the door to the sauna was a sign which said Regulation swimwear must be worn at all times. Please use the showers before entering the rest area.

Lets' go for a sauna! Tony suggested. But I haven't brought my swimsuit! Fiona replied. It says that you must wear a swimsuit all the time! Just come in as you are, Tony replied, There is hardly anyone here anyway, and I am sure that will be OK! Tony went and took off his tennis gear, and Fiona waited for him, outside the male changing area. She removed her trainers and socks. He came out with a towel and wearing just black trunks. He carried his bottle, now full again of water. You might have told me to bring my costume! Fiona protested. Don't worry, you will be fine! he replied, handing her his towel. Come on, lets' go in, this will be fun!
Fiona felt nervous about breaking the regulations, and she didn't want to get them both into an embarassing situation. But where Tony led, she followed, and so they went through the door to the sauna suite. It did seem to be quiet, there were only about four older gentlemen to be seen, sitting on reclining chairs. There was an attendant, a middle aged lady, who was mopping the floor. Hi There, Tony said to her, Fiona hasn't got a swimsuit with her, is it OK if we both come in?
The attendant didn't seem to look up, Fine son, she said, Just make sure that you bring your proper costume with you, next time! she said, changing her direction of look towards Fiona.
Thanks! said Fiona, I will!

They went into the sauna area, and into the cabin. The cabin was empty, except for two elderly ladies, sitting there wearing floral print costumes. Their hair was wet, their skin was bright red, and they looked as if they had been there for some time already. Fiona and Tony sat on the wooden benches, which felt hot to touch. The cabin was small, it would hold about six or eight people, at the most, when it was full. The two older ladies left. Fiona adjusted her gym skirt, and giggled again. Here she was again, about to get wet all over again! Tony was in a playful mood. He sipped water from his bottle, and he offered it to Fiona. Then he poured a little into his hand, and splashed it onto Fiona's skirt. She brushed the droplets off, but he did the same again and again, and the blue material began to show little dark spots where it was getting moist. She sat there next to Tony for two or three minutes, but then she began to feel really hot. I am going to have to cool down! she said, feeling a bit suddenly queasy. Tony reached for his water bottle, and gently poured some over the back of Fiona's head. She tipped her head back, the tips of her hair got wet, and some water dripped down onto the back of the bench behind her. This isn't fair! Fiona tied to sound cross. I'm going to get soaked and you have only got your trunks on! I've got a spare t shirt in my bag! Tony replied. I could put it on, over my trunks! Go on then, Fiona urged. They both left the sauna cabin together. Fiona waited next to the showers, while Tony disappeared to the changing area.

The shower area consisted of a circular shaped recess, with four showers on the walls and ceilings. The showers were separated by metal frames, which carried a series of circular water pipes and were designed to spray water over the user at various heights, in addition to the overhead shower itself. There were gaps in the frames, giving access to each shower from the centre of the recess, to where the floor sloped down slightly from each corner and the water drained away through grills in the floor. There were signs on each shower, hot, warm, cool and cold. The four gentlemen all appeared and filed into the shower area, entering one shower each and one by one pulling the chains which activated the water. The showers made a huge noise, added to by the grunts and arghs of the man in the cold one. Four streams of water flowed from overhead, joined in each shower by four circular rings of spray from the sides. Fiona could barely see each man inside. The floor was awash and Fiona felt a mixture of hot and cold water running over her feet and ankles. She felt excited at the thought of standing in the shower and feeling that water running all over her!

Tony was back at her side. Now he had a yellow t shirt on, which had "lifeguard" printed on the front. Fiona looked at him and smiled. That's better, she said. We can both get wet properly now! I'm going in! Said Tony. The showers were empty now.
They went into the space inbetween the four showers. Tony selected the one which was labelled "cold" and he pulled the chain. They was loud gurgling as the water rushed through the pipes and spurted out from above, then setting into a steady flow. Four circles of spray joined one by one from the sides, starting from the lowest pipe. This was about eighteen inches from the ground, and each pipe above was about nine inches higher than the one below. Tony took a deep
breath and stepped in. His shirt was soaked in moments. He gasped and gave a series of short intakes of breath as the coldness hit him. Then he counted slowly to twelve. Fiona stood back as cold splashes again covered her feet. Then Tony let go of then chain and came out. His sodden t shirt hung down to his thighs and his trunks showed up clearly through, their blackness contesting sharply with the thin yellow material covering them. Fiona reached out and put her hand on his back. He felt cold! She ran her fingers down the wet fabric and felt it slither against the back of his trunks. That's how you do it! Said Tony.

Fiona turned around, facing a sign which said "cool". This looks better, she said. She pulled the chain, and watched as the torrent built up inside the pipes. She stretched out both her arms into the water, and then rubbed her wet hands over her face. She lifted up her foot, and put her leg into the frame, carefully lifting up her gym skirt as the splashes went over her knee. She then did the same with her other leg. Go on, get in, said Tony. Fiona held tightly to the side of the frame, and bowed her head forward so that her hair went under the flow. She held herself there while her hair was getting wet through, and then stood back again. She brushed her wet hair back from her forehead, little streams ran down to her shoulders, seeping into her neckline.

They came out of the showers and went into the steam room. Fiona was stillalmost completely dry, except for her hair and for numerous little splash marks which had gathered on her outfit. The two older ladies were there, they both smiled at each other and one said,
You look as if you're enjoying yourselves, you've come dressed for it, anyway! You are going to get yourself wet through, my dear! Fiona looked down at herself, and she replied to say that she was a little bit wet already. Then she explained that she had not brought her swimsuit with her, because she hadn't planned on coming in here. They used to have a ladies only session, on a Wednesday afternoon, the lady continued, and then they used to give you just a towel to wrap around yourself outside, they used to wear nothing at all in here! You could have come then, and you would not have needed any costume! Fiona looked horrified, I wouldn't have done that, ever! she replied. I'd be too embarrassed! No-one bothered about anyone, the lady said. We all have got bodies somewhere, and at the end of it they are all much the same! Fiona agreed that was true. I would rather come when it's swimsuits, all the same! she replied. Tony said that he thought that Fiona's outfit was a great idea, because after a shower her wet things would keep her cool in the sauna. My shirt feels great, in here, after the cold shower, he said. You'll both be a right pair then! the lady laughed, and she and her friend both made their way out.

Fiona fiddled with her bra strap and adjusted the clip holding her skirt in place, moving it to a position where it held the skirt tighter around her waist. She asked Tony if she would look OK if her t shirt got wet. She was worried that it would become totally see through and she would show her bra in full. Tony replied to say that she looked great, and that her bra would be perfectly decent. It was made of a solid satin material, and it would not reveal her breasts, at all, even if it was wet! She decided that next time they went to the showers, she was going right in!

After a few more minutes they both made their way to the showers again. Tony repeated his cold shower, except that this time he counted to twenty. Fiona's admiration for his bravery was genuine and her admiration for his wet trunks was sexual. The two ladies came and joined Fiona in the middle of the shower area. They noticed Tony's wet trunks too. It's your turn now, one of them said to her. You've been looking at these showers long enough and you may as well get in! Fiona giggled and agreed. She brushed her hand down her t shirt and skirt. I'm getting wet! She said.

This time Fiona chose the warm shower. She pulled the chain and stepped right inside the frame, before the water was activated. That's it, get right under, the older lady encouraged her. The shower spluttered and Fiona felt three heavy splashes on her head, before the showerhead filled and settled into a steady flow. Meanwhile the spray from the lowest pipe went over her legs around her knees. The top shower soaked her hair again, and Fiona felt it plastered to her. The water started running down her body. The second pipe filled, and was directed straight onto Fiona's skirt. The water seemed to bounce off the material, to begin with, but quickly it soaked in and the skirt turned a darker colour. Fiona felt the wetness running inside her shirt and inside her bra. The spray from the third pipe hit her tummy and her lower back. She felt her panties getting wet through. The fourth pipe added to the deluge, and any dry spots left on Fiona were finished off. She turned around slowly. The two ladies smiled at her, Thats it, Well done dear! One of them said.

Fiona stepped out. Her bra, top and skirt were soaking and clinging tightly to her. The lines and stitching on her bra showed through her t shirt. Tony put a reassuring arm around her.They went to sit down the rest area, they chatted and lay back for a while. It was just as well that there were was a tiled floor, because underneath Fiona's reclining chair, a sizeable pool of water gathered, as it dripped continuously from her clothes.
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