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Post Your Opinion, Please!
By Mud Pie Football Guyx
Posted 5/7/20     232 views
If you've watched my videos, then what shall I start with next time, the pie in the face first, and then the pouring of the chocolate and mud all over my football uniform, or visa versa? I had a blast doing the last video with the pie in my face so any suggestions would be most appreciative. Or if there's any different way of doing my videos completely again, please let me know. As you can see I'm an amateur and just having fun doing it...but I want to do what my audience would like to see so I can "WOW" you. Would appreciate your honesty and you can be my video critic. Thanks for your time.

So far I have:
6 cans of shaving cream (Barbasol regular type, cheaper)
2 bottles of molasses
6 chocolate syrups
6 throw away aluminum pie plates
1 gallon of cheap pancake syrup
1 small bucket of baseball pitcher's mound clay dirt that's transformed to gooey thick brown watery mud, I play softball and collect it when I'm on the field. This baseball clay ooze is probably the best coverage, I already placed 2 clean white socks inside the bucket and now they're practically invisible and camouflaged buried in the gooey mud now, you couldn't even tell there's socks in there. This baseball mud I'm really looking forward to covering myself with it, hopefully completely from helmet to cleats! Never tried this mud before except when I play softball and my cleats get lightly collected with it.

PS: Don't have green slime, maybe one day, but for now........
Tagged male
Hi there!
The pie first, and then the mud!
Great pictures man.
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