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Messy Fun With Erica (Messy)
By MessyEricax
Posted 10/29/14     1279 views
Hello everyone; I have been having so much fun on this site with all of the messy, wet, and sticky goodness all over my body!

A funny story: I had a request to film a good fun and sexy video. The daylight was shinning into the windows at a perfect angle. Just perfect!

I am dressed as a very sexy pirate; going back and forth from that to a teacher's pet school girl outfit.

Having my messy Eric wear a white mask with zipped eye and mouth openings, we continued filming this very sexy video.

Suddenly, the builder that built our neighbors deck is there looking at the deck and through our window...oops.

The next day; we are filming another messy video and here come our neighbors to check out the deck the builder built...and in our windows! We have no idea how long they were there.

Usually we shoot in my studio; however in these cases we needed more room and natural light. We just moved here a year ago, it's our neighbors vacation home (so they are only there during the summer), but they had a new deck and surprised us and

We live in a small town, I'm sure we will be getting looks when we go out! lol

Just wanted to share this story and hope it brings you a chuckle.

Oh best for last: I was peeing in our fountain, naked, high heels, full stream...yes you guessed it...thankfully I had a shrub blocking most of me. So within two days; our neighbors vacation home became neighbors to porn filming freaks...hahahahaha

Just wanted to share a funny story!

I hope you are busting a gut laughing!!!


Messy Erica
Tagged female
Norman Mabeld:
"So within two days; our neighbors vacation home became neighbors to porn filming freaks"
When I started reading this sentence, I thought you were going to say that within two days, your neighbors house was for sale! Lol! That's a great story! Very funny! If I was you and that happened to me (being seen like that), "I'd" be the one moving, I'd be so embarrassed! Lol! I'm glad that it didn't faze you at all!
We just moved here and they aren't "locals" so no one knows who they are; they don't go into town at all...hehehe
I must live in the wrong neiborhood. There needs to be a wamtopia. Lol
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