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Janet and Carla's Jungle Peril. For BelleinBoots. Part 8.
By PrimeSlimeTimex
Posted 12/24/19     23 views
Janet & Carla's Jungle Peril. For BelleinBoots. Part 8.

By PrimeSlimeTime. UMD.netDEC. 2019.

The hand-woven ceremonial basket held sacred leaves and the huge head of the snake; the chief having cut it off and presented it to her as a trophy of her kill, the head mostly recognizable, the mouth intact and opened slightly, the memory of her seeing it about to take in its gaping mouth the unaware Janet from just over her shoulder as she enjoyed her camp dinner still vivid in her mind, making her shiver. She got up from her place; the men bowing to her as she left, in search of Enrico, holding out to him the basket when she found him, cutting for himself a nice snake steak, asking him how they could safely keep and preserve her prized snake head, in the same manner he had his own trophies from his adventures, in one day collecting three trophies of her own. He remarked that his report on her first days progress was glowing, her ability to perform her work without question, saving the team months of work in a few hours though he initially had his doubts, and her bravery and composure and leaderships skills were first rate, her moment of saving a human life from certain death a remarkable feat on its own, her place on the team cemented, her induction into both womanhood and an honoured hunter of the tribe and in the jungle's folklore culture, something incredible to witness. He offered for her to attend to a hot shower and change of clothes, going with her to her sleeping hut and then they would deal with the snake. When they got there Carla took out her camera asking Enrico to take photos of her with her hat, spear and snake head trophies for adding to her journal, the snake photos already taken at camp before the medic team arrived to help them return with it. He took several for her and waited while she silently showered then returned to him clean and naked, comfortable to be in his company that way, dressing herself then she asked him to explain his connection with Janet if he wished as it was none of her business. He said they would discuss that later as he was anxious to check on her inviting Carla to go with him to see her, if the medics permitted it to which she agreed. Carla checked her sidearm for rounds, setting her pistol sling in place, hanging loosely down western style at her side then put her hat on her head, inviting Enrico to take more photos with her spear and snake head basket before they left for the medic station.

Janet was by now starting to wake up recovering from the fright of her life, sporting a headache and an awful taste in her mouth from vomiting up her dinner, her bodies natural reaction to the stress of the moment and now more composed and sitting up, her vitals normal as Enrico and Carla entered the hut, the medic giving the all clear to see her as all was well. Janet reached up to Carla, with hugs and kisses, thanking her for scaring the life out of her and for saving her life, a sure snake meal had she not fired her sidearm at it, as she swung her legs around off the bed table, her arms around Carla's neck and passionately kissed her on the mouth, Enrico grinning and loving the girl on girl contact, Carla surprised then responding to it likewise, them kissing deeply for a few moments, their tounges exploring each other, Janet gripping her body tightly then grabbibng a feel of her breasts as she let her go, "can't wait to see the photos", Janet said, grinning at her telling her she already knew of the events of the ceremony, Enrico filling her in on the details of Carla's induction into the tribe, a heroine of their culture forever, a lioness, true to the status it envoked, the whole camp abuzz in excitement of the events of the day. Janet was staying in sickbay til the morning, asking for a change of clothes as she didn't smell right, Carla laughing that watching her thoroughly wet herself was an interesting sight, Janet grimmacing at the thought of it. Carla wrapped her up again kissing her passionately and sensously fondling her breasts in return, her nails digging into her slightly, growling like a feline in her ear, making Janet laugh calling her a bad kitty as Carla and Enrico left her to rest returning to have some more snake, the ceremony all but over, Carla cutting themselves some more, Enrico telling her that when it was all gone the skeleton would be preserved as a momento and warning of the jungle dangers, and the knife would be hers to keep, the chief offering it to Enrico after the snake had been consumed or daylight arrived, whichever came first.

Enrico took the basket to have it cared for and cured to prevent it from decomposing any further. They returned to their sleeping quarters for some sleep as it was past midnight, the sun would be visiting them again soon, heralding a new birth of life heat and humidity, the night sky free from rain and storms, filled with the stars of the milkyway galaxy shining down filling the sky above them. Carla pegged her door open to allow the fresh air in, them climbed into her cot, quickly falling asleep, wondering what it would be like to have a woman in there with her for company then dismissed the thought telling herself she was mad for thinking of it, the feel of sensually kissing her first woman and feeling her curves and breasts giving her tingling sensations as she drifted off to sleep her watch alarm set for 6:30am, so she didn't miss breakfast.

She woke to her alarm, the sunlight streaming in her door, the humidity of the day already in the air, it was going to be hot, Carla's thoughts returning to Janet making her get up and shower and dress quickly, then she gathered Janet a change of clothes from her hut then went to see her, past the ceremonial ground from the night before, her the only one there, the snake now gone, as daylight had broken and she took up the knife embedded in the post that held the snakes head, looking over it feeling the sharp strong blade in her hands the chief leaving it there for her to find on her own, the life in camp returning to normal the tasks of the day underway. She quickly sheathed the knife, and went to find Janet, seeing her keen to get out of the medic station and back to work, up on her feet when Carla arrived the two of them kissing firmly again, Carla enjoying the sensation for a second time, giving her back equally from herself, watching as Janet stripped then changed, eyeing her body for the first time noticing her curves and shape, shivering slightly secretly wondering what she would be like in bed or in soaking rain or slimy mud in her clothes or even better, her very sexy full knickers and bra. They went for the morning breakfast as the alarm sounded for it, finding Enrico already there, the two women holding hands as they entered the meal hut, letting each other go as the men all got up from their seats, noticing Carla enter, then parting in the meal line so she could be first, someone ushering her to the front of the line, Carla blushing at the attention she was getting.

She took her very full breakfast meal whispering thanks to the kitchen staff, all of them bowing as they served her the portions allocated and she sat at the table Enrico pointed to then waited for what felt like an eternity with all eyes on her as she sat waiting for Janet and Enrico to get theirs and join her, the sense that she was the buzz of the day and the centre of everyone's attention unsettling her, but she resisted the urge to get up and run, and got into her breakfast as she was joined by others from the management team, them all chatting cheerfully about the previous days events. David Hughes, the site science director sat down across from her and she glanced at him casually mentioning there was a dot on one of her maps she had noticed worthy of investigation because of the infra-red colour shift, asking him to consider looking at it, as it might be something noteworthy. He nodded to her silently then plowed through his breakfast excusing himself shortly after, having finished it in record time, returning to his station and getting back to work out of the humidity and already torrid heat. Enrico already aware of her instincts, asked for her to elaborate, but she waved it away, probably nothing worthy of attention, but he already had his suspicions and if she mentioned it then it was worthy of serious investigation.

He met with her after breakfast, going over her maps with her in her office, her computer data ready and waiting to tell her the sky was falling if she wished it, her picking up on something tiny, a very small peak in a colour shift in one of her satellite images, the one before and after showing her nothing, but enough to raise in herself the question of what it was or just a glitch due to sunlight or something else of no value. Enrico had nothing to go on by the images on her map, but the look on her face and her agitated body language and posture gave every indication she was onto something worth exploring. He asked for her to zoom in on the map in question and found there were several small red dots visible when she hit the centre of her red dot and zooming in they could almost make out an image or shape that was somehow familiar but inconclusive, Enrico radioing to put an exploration team together on the coordinates, noting that the site was nearby and away from any dangerous ground. He radioed Janet informing her of the find, and asked Carla to set up a team to lead and investigate her find, making sure that medical supplies and food and water were in abundance as it was hot and steamy, more than usual, and to call him immediately should she find anything worth further investigation. She nodded to him she was ready to go after yesterdays incident, opting to leave her rifle in it's cage, but she would sign out her sidearm with the master at arms before she left. Enrico patted her on the shoulder, confident he could now leave her to do her thing without his supervision, saying, "gracias senorita", as he left to continue his morning checklist.
Carla called up her loyal guide and tracker who were at her side in minutes, discussing the plan, her team and supplies at her door in mere minutes, with more than a handful of bodies in support, ready to follow the lioness to anywhere if need be, everyone jumping to her every whim and need, eager to get the expedition underway. She called for the usual stakes & ribbons markers, and then set her watch into gps seek and find mode and after ensuring all was ready they set off, her calling in her destination to control with the response that she was all clear to go, Janet and Enrico now in the control room to monitor her progress on her satellite feed and screens in her office, every step and sound recorded in high detail, her servers able to cope with and compile the data flow without losing a frame of data or image quality. She carefully staked out their route and she set up video and photo vantage points downwind from her intended position of investigation then stealthily went forward to investigate her dots. She picked up several heat signatures in front of her, but small in comparison to her size, recording the sounds of her environment picking up on an animal call she had heard before but not sure of its origins.

She highlighted the audio signal on her watch calling on her radio for someone to report on the sound she had captured then waited for a response. She got an immediate call back from Ellie, the site biologist and a gun with palaeontology, her excitedly telling her to keep monitoring, then Carla pointed out a series of small bird like prints in the soft mud and she carefully followed them, marking the gps location with a red dot. Photos were sent back with Ellie calling back they looked remarkably birdlike but she had nothing on file on them for this site asking for more information, Carla capturing a few close ups, her cameras zooming in her placing a measuring marker next to one to record the actual size. The sound was heard again coming from the thicket of vines in front of her, and she laid herself down into the mud, not disturbing the prints, keen to know what made the distinct animal like sound. She replayed it, and got an immediate call back, then played it again, and got another, Ellie asking for no one to move, everyone holding their breath as the infra red showed several small red dots on the screens in site control, moving cautiously towards Carla, who was very still. They were tiny lifeforms, creatures of some description, everyone desperate to know what she had found.
She took out some snake meat from her snack pouch and broke some pieces off, playing the sound again, and getting more than one response. She tossed some meat forward, the smell of food immediate to the animals in the thicket, but still cautious as something else large and alive detected by their sensitive noses, Carla's heartbeat and body electrical signals and smell causing alarm to the little creatures, interested in the smell of the fresh meat, keen to have a free meal. She tossed a bigger piece of meat closer to the sounds, tempting the little creatures out, one of them brave enough to poke its head out for a look, the science team clapping and cheering at the sight on their screens, Carla tossing some meat very close to it and waited to see how it would respond. It nervously stepped out from its hiding place and devoured the morsel of meat, Ellie exclaiming that she had found a dinosaur like creature. It was like a lizard but on two legs, with a backward shaped pelvis like a bird with a long tail, and two shorter front legs with long fingers, the animal grabbing a piece in its fingers and eating it quickly, everyone on the edge of their seats over the find. Carla threw a bigger piece to it encouraging it to come closer playing back her sound again, as another appeared, then another smaller one, possibly a juvenile poked its head out for a cautious look. Carla threw a big piece, closer to her, the three of the lizard like creatures fighting over it squealing in delight as they ripped it to shreds, the video and still cameras all zoomed in, Carla's fingerprint lines in high detail on her upturned hand, as one of the dinosaur like creatures ventured out and took a piece of food from her hand, her fingers touching the animal as it ate from her hand, Ellie was in hysterics in the control room, her searches on the creatures for similar known living animals coming up zero, the only resemblance, a small creature long extinct, the science team in disbelief at what they were watching as Carla now had several animals of various sizes crowding around her hand, devouring the morsels of the snake she was dropping, everything caught on video and still cameras in high detail, her quietly describing their skin and behaviour, her watch picking up her audio and relaying it to control. The meal finished, every last piece hungrily eaten the largest animal ventured forward and sniffed her fingertips, Carla remaining still, doing her best to contain her excitement and not alarm the little creature. She played her sound back, and the creature looked her in the eye and responded, then quickly disappeared back into the thicket and into hiding from predators, curious but instinctively fearful of the large creature that had just fed them.

Carla remained prone in the mud, Janet watching her in it on the main screen noticing her thighs and shorts in the soft wet mud, and her beautiful backside sticking up at her, her focus glued to it, the thought of her wet muddy underwear under her clothes making her shiver, her excitement and arousal rising as she thought about sliding her hands up into her shorts and feeling her muddy knickers, wanting to slip her hands into them and play with her as she lay there, Carla unaware that Janet was watching her intently on her screen. Ellie clapped and whistled loudly, the remainder of the team cheering and joining in on congratulating Carla on her find in amazement, Ellie asking for ground samples keen to get some samples from the ground analyzed, and patched the video and audio feeds to her workstation, sitting at her desk replaying the scenes over and over, noting the behaviour and shape of the little animals, in disbelief that she was watching living dinosaurs, it just not possible they were living creatures. Enrico called over the radio for the team to pack up return, but to mark the site and preserve it as much as possible, Carla taking more close up photos of the footprints on her watch, sending the images to Ellie for investigation and research incase it rained, washing them away. She got up to her knees and turned around, her front soaking wet and covered in mud, her underwear sticking to her skin under her clothes, soaked in it and she took samples of it for Ellie from various places near the footprints, taking more photos, Janet wide eyed at seeing Carla covered in mud from her knees to her neck, excusing herself then going to Carla's office to replay her live feeds, herself interested in the little creatures behaviour but more focused on Carla lying prone in the mud, her erotic thoughts dirty about the things she could do to her and wondering she was wearing underneath.

The team soon returned to camp, cheers all round in the sciene lab at the significant biological find, Carla's little creatures possibly unclassified, her now absorbed in the work of paeleontology, curious to find out about the little animals she had hand fed. She went and showered in her clothes, washing the mud off then taking her time to rinse them clean, then changed into fresh shorts and a tight fitting top the picture of a large jungle cat on the front, under a fresh open shirt tucked into her shorts, her boots muddy but wearable. She hung her clothes out to dry then went in search of Ellie to download for her the data, images and samples she had collected excited to hear there was important research to be done and recorded over her find everyone dumb founded that the little animals even existed. The science world would again be turned on its head by Carla, who had made another prominent and astonishing scientific discovery, again by accident on her first field trip, and it wasn't even in her field of expertise.

Ellie hugged her excitedly when she arrived, taking her hands and leading her to her desk, sitting her down as she played the images over and over, pausing one frame, a close up high detail shot of Carla's fingers stroking a little dinosaur like creature that was eating out of her hand, Ellie excitedly asking if she could send it off to her boss in London, for verification of the creatures biological status, what if it was in fact a relative of long extinct dinosaurs, or was one in its own right, Ellies arms around her shoulders, her hands patting Carla and softly caressing her as she sat in her chair replaying the videos of her feeding them over and over. About five minutes later Ellies desk phone rang, everyone turning to her, as it wasn't a common thing for the site phones to ring unless it was an emergency or significant event. It was Dr Richard Anthony, Ellie's boss in London, chief of paleontology at her university headquarters in London, ecstatic at what he had just seen, asking for more details about the high shutter speed images he was looking at of Carla's hand feeding what looked like miniature dinosaurs. He was processing the data on them and would get back to her asking if he could share the files with colleagues in the US, for further verification, also asking who the zoo keeper was. Ellie handed the Carla the phone, her boss wanting to speak with her about her discovery. Carla introduced herself to the well known and well-respected member of the global science community, explaining her position on the team, and the events surrounding the photos, doctor Anthony congratulating her on her find, asking if she would be happy to brief a copy of the incident to his office with a report, to publish her findin his science journals with her consent, the whole science world about to find out who she was, apparently hand feeding dinosaurs in a remote jungle on a survey expedition to find minerals, the whole story quite extraordinary, and it would attract immediate global attention. Carla looked at Enrico asking for consent to proceed with the request for more in depth information, Enrico giving her the go ahead after thinking about it, Ellie clapping her hands and jumping for joy at the news, the phone call then ended, Carla stunned at what was happening over her finding a red dot in a single infra-red image.

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