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A Secret Fantasy Fulfilled
By TimsMessyFictionx
Posted 7/18/20     1556 views
Emma looked up from her laptop screen, glanced at the wall clock at the front of the classroom, and felt a surge of horny excitement ooze through her body. She paused to enjoy the feeling. Then, she fixed her eyes on the screen and tried to focus on the calculous exam in front of her. Twenty more minutes. This was her last high school final. The test didn't really matter. She had already been accepted at Swarthmore for the fall. But she was determined to maintain her pristine grade point average on principle.

Emma could feel the bikini clinging to her sumptuous body under running shorts and a soft, white T shirt. Her smooth, well-shaped legs felt so immaculate. Before today, she had never worn flip-flops to school. Emma's thoughts drifted to mud. Lots of mud. Deep, thick, heavy, gooey mud.

"Senior MudFest" had been an annual tradition marking the last day of school at St. Stephen's Academy since the 1990s, maybe longer. A massive mud pit was created on the lawn behind the school. Using a backhoe, a team of dedicated volunteers dug the pit about a foot deep, trucked in tons fresh of topsoil, and watered it overnight until it became a soupy, sloppy, oozing mess. Then, it was playtime for the entire senior class of prestigious St. Stephen's. The event had become a regular human interest feature for the local TV news.

For years, Emma had waited for this day. The opportunity to play in the mud had been one of her longest held secret fantasies. Growing up, she had tried to imagine what it would feel like. She was sure it would be a sublime sensory experience. She had turned 18 a week earlier. Now, an unexplainable feeling of ecstasy and freedom blossomed inside her. How beautiful it was to be a young woman and to enjoy the sensuous, erotic feeling of mud oozing around your body!

The familiar tone marking the end of the period blasted abruptly through the school communication system. Instantly, all of St. Stephen's seemed to erupt with a palpable sense of giddy frivolity. It was like a force of nature which could not be held back. Emma's heart leaped into her throat and her body tingled with horny anticipation as she closed her laptop, picked up her flute case and backpack, and headed to her locker. Inside the locker was a plastic Target bag containing a neatly folded white towel and a change of cloths. She had come to school prepared. She was soon flanked by a group of friends. Isabella had already stripped to her bikini and was prepared with swimming goggles. Lauren had elected to wear nylon shorts and a white tank top.

"Our cloths are going to get, like, totally ruined." Giggled Lauren. "I wonder what I should do with my hair?"

"I think I'm going to go with a braid." Said blond haired, blue eyed Sophia.

Emma pulled her beautiful, shoulder-length strawberry blond hair back into a neat ponytail. She would go all out. She was determined that by the end, her hair would be completely smeared and caked with mud. She pulled off her T shirt and shorts and enjoyed the liberating feeling of standing in the school hallway in her bikini. St. Stephen's was such an elite school. Not only was it known for its academics, but also for performing arts, including award-winning musical ensembles, ballet, theater, and sports. Yet, amazingly, this most enlightened of schools was not above organizing an event for students to wallow in the mud. Emma observed that all of her friends fell somewhere on the spectrum between enthusiasm for the event (Isabella and Lauren) and amused trepidation (Sophia). Yet, everyone seemed willing to participate in this wacky rite of passage.

And now, it was happening. Eager to catch her first glimpse of the mud pit, bikini-clad Emma followed her friends down the long, dark, cool hallway which led to the field behind the school. She pushed open the heavy glass door and stepped into the warm June sun. The air felt thick with humidity. Throngs of students and spectators were already gathering on the lawn. Dance music began pumping from a sound system and jubilant shouts and cheers rang out. A crew from one of the local TV stations was there, preparing to document the mayhem. Emma kicked off her flip flops and set her plastic bag down under a tree. She enjoyed the feeling of the soft grass under her bare feet. Her body felt delightfully exposed. She could sense the discrete, approving glances of countless guys.

Her fellow students were already gathering around the mud pit with eager anticipation. It was a sea of brightly colored swimsuits, shorts, and T-shirts. Emma's body ached and throbbed with sublime pleasure as she stepped up to the mud pit, feeling dried dirt under her feet and taking in the strong, earthy smell. One more step and her bare foot would be sinking into moist mud. It was deeper, thicker, and sloppier than she had imagined. The amount of mud and the consistency was unreal!

"Oh my God, it's like total soup!" Giggled Isabella, pulling her swimming goggles over her eyes in preparation. "This is going to be awesome!"

"I can't believe we're doing this." Groaned Sophia, laughing and rolling her eyes.

The music cut out and an announcement crackled over the sound system:

"Two minutes away from countdown!"

Earsplitting cheers rang out. For Emma, the delay was both excruciating and pleasurable. She looked down at her immaculate legs and swimsuit and gazed at the dark, oozing mud. Emma's thoughts flashed back to her parents at home that morning. Having seen the images from past years, they had a good idea what was in store for her. They hadn't said much other than, "Have fun." She wondered how her dad really felt about the prospect of his beautiful, intelligent daughter rolling and wallowing in the mud.

Earsplitting cheers erupted as the count down began. "Five...Four...THREE!...TWO!...

Emma didn't wait any longer. She took a step and her bare foot sank into smooth, slippery mud. It clung to her toes as a thick, gooey mass. She took another step and sank in. The mud was above her ankles. Mud splattered onto her legs as her friends dived in around her and uptempo music blasted from the sound system. She took another step and sank deep. It was so hard to lift her feet! If felt like the thickest, gooiest taffy imaginable. Isabella and Lauren were already down in the mud, rolling and shrieking with laughter as they scooped up handfuls to throw at each other. Four years at one of the most prestigious and competitive private high schools in the country had come down to this.

Emma took a few more effortful steps, looking for the sloppiest, gooiest place she could find. Then, she fell backwards. Splat. Her ass sank and the mud pit devoured her. It slurped around her thighs. She gasped with orgasmic pleasure. Looking down, she realized that her feet, legs and bikini were completely submerged. She hoped she could keep the bikini bottom on. Emma tried to wiggle her legs and felt the resistance of the thick mud. She lay back, dropping her arms and giggling as she make a carefree mud angel. She enjoyed the sensation of being sucked and pulled into the mire.

She looked up and there was Nick, standing over her and grinning. They had dated for about six months junior year and remained friends. He was covered from head to foot and almost unrecognizable.

"How do I look?" Giggled Emma, a flirtatious tone entering her voice.

With mischievous pleasure, Nick knelt down and scooped up a large, handful of gloppy mud.

"Oh my God, don't even think about it!" Moaned Emma, letting out a high pitched shriek and erupting in giggles.

A second later, Emma felt the heavy mud on the top of her head. Nick took great delight in smearing it in, obliterating the beautiful light red hair. Emma could feel mud dripping from her ponytail. She scooped up a handful of mud and flung it at Nick. To her disappointment, it fell short of its target, hitting with a heavy splat.

"That was pathetic." Teased Nick.

Emma rolled around and played with Nick. She could feel the mud oozing around her breasts. She crawled on top of him and they slid over each other. She could feel his hard cock pressing into her. She knew she would remember this beautiful, intimate moment for the rest of her life.

Splat...splat...Lauren and Isabella dived in, causing mud to splatter violently. Rolling around and wallowing, Emma, Isabella, and Lauren were three giggling maidens indulging in silly play. As a TV camera focused in on them, Emma realized that they were providing prime footage for the evening news. Slowly, the girls stood up, dripping like creatures from a bad science fiction movie. Holding hands, they fell back, erupting into wild giggles.

Emma could feel mud entering every orifice of her body. The glorious breasts that would one day nurture a child were caked with thick mud. When she stood up, her dripping body was oppressive and heavy. It felt good to just give up and slop into the mud again. Everyone around her was completely consumed, from head to foot. There was a collective joy at the novelty of this unique experience. Was this the same senior class that would be processing in a beautiful, dignified commencement ceremony in the St. Stephen's Chapel in just three days?

At 6:00, everyone emerged from the mud pit and lined up to get hosed down by the fire department. How could the firefighters ignore the erotic spectacle unfolding before them? What kinds of fantasies flashed through their minds as they aimed their hoses at attractive, scantily clad young women? The girls giggled, leaped, and shrieked as the cool torrent hit their bodies. The dictates of convenience and necessity caused all of the normal rules of modesty to be thrown out the window. Cleaning up after wallowing in a mud pit was, by definition, uncivilized. Bikini tops were pulled out and washed, just long enough to afford a sublime view. Drenched tops clung to bodies, becoming the ultimate, unintentional "wet T-shirt contest."

Emma followed up with a second shower in the school locker room. Under this warm water, she could get completely clean. Her skin felt extra smooth. Her hair would be even more beautiful. Emerging from the warm shower, she wrapped herself in a large beach towel. As she pulled on fresh cloths, she was overcome with deep contentment and happiness.
Tagged female
great how descriptive your stories are!!
Nice story.

It was great to see everything from the main character's perspective.
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